Thursday, January 3, 2013

Mixed emotions


As we embark on this new journey, we certainly have mixed emotions - excited to start this internship and learn so much, scared of the time and energy that will be required, nervous about what lies ahead and sad to leave our church family.  However there is nothing more comforting than having full confidence that God has called us here. He has already shown us great love in providing for our monetary, physical, and emotional needs, and we know that he has a plan for us.
We are praying for a smooth transition in our family life as the kids will not see their Daddy as often.  The transition to a new church is also overwhelming, especially for our oldest boy.  He has a few very special friends that he will miss more than words can describe.  It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about it.  We are scared to leave what is comfortable and safe, but also excited to begin this new journey that God so obviously has ordained. 

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