Monday, January 28, 2013

Life at home

Many people have asked me how I'm doing with these changes, and honestly it doesn't feel that different to me, at least not yet.  We are still living in the same house, participating in the same activities, teaching the same piano students, so the biggest changes are Sundays, and Max not being home as much.

Obviously Sundays are very different, and we miss our church family, but I know this is a temporary change, so we are making the best of it, and enjoying our time in DC.  We have been invited to a few different homes in between Sunday morning and evening worship services, and this has been quite relaxing compared to when Max often spent Sundays finishing up his sermon for the evening service at SPEP.  We met another family with 4 kids who commutes an hour to church and spends their entire day in DC, walking around, going to museums, etc.  We are hoping to join them sometime when the weather is nice, and finally visit some museums in these next few months, so that should be fun.

As far as family time goes, I think this internship has been really good for me to be more intentional about spending more time with my kids.  As mothers, it is easy to let days or weeks go by without spending quality time with your kids, knowing that they will get their fill of "quality" time when Daddy gets home.  He is usually the "fun" one who wrestles with them and plays with them and tucks them into bed when he gets home from work.  I'm usually the "business" girl who keeps everyone on task each day.  Since Max has been getting home late, or sleeping in DC a few nights a week, I have purposefully made it a point to be more "fun" for my kids and it has been awesome!  I've realized that its important to spend every day like this, playing with and enjoying these moments with our kids especially since they won't be young forever!  I've also been more organized, making meals ahead of time so that Max can take lunch/dinner with him on certain days.  This inevitably makes each day much more organized and manageable.

 God is using this time as a learning experience for all of us and we are grateful for it.

*Max will be going to Israel on February 10th, and then has another trip with all the interns afterwards, so this will be a crazy month for us!

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