Friday, February 8, 2013

The Posse

I've been having such a great time with the six other interns.

I'm definitely the "old guy" of the bunch.  Mark says I'm the "spiritual father," and he sometimes refers to me as "Papa Benfer" when we're all together, although I hope the other guys don't see me as that old!

They're such a wonderful group of godly men, though, and I will really miss them when this is all over.

Here they are...
Isaac Adams
Alex Duke

Timo Sazo

Nathan Malpass
Taylor Wehrle
Brian Davis
Guys from all over the world apply for the internship, all of whom seem equally qualified.  CHBC receives hundreds of applications, and they only choose six, so we all feel so blessed to have been chosen.  Actually, I'm the "seventh" this time.

Last week we were taken out for the official intern picture day.

A professional photographer and member of CHBC took us around town for some great shots.

They do this for every class and the pictures are posted in the CHBC office.

 Our pictures have been posted in the church's hallway, along with our write-ups, and they will eventually be added to the intern wall, to take their place beside the intern classes of the past.

We had a great time, as you can see.  We went to the Library of Congress and a back alley.

The photographer wanted "tough guy" shots, "mafia" shots, "boy band" shots, and even an "Abbey Road" shot.  One interesting thing to note: we didn't coordinate our clothes beforehand.  We all just happened to match perfectly.

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